2014 is the Year of the Horse ~ The spirit of the horse is energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and able
Shedding pain and turmoil may leave us raw, yet full of passion to move forward. Horse energy can carry us now, as long as we agree to stay on our path of growth and development. Let this energy come to you by being present and being authentic. Horse energy speaks to allowing ourselves to be present, allow healing now, don’t look back, and just be.
Horse’s are extremely hard-working and the human race owes much gratitude for how energetically this amazing being has helped us, as well as brought us much pleasure and freedom.
This year’s Horse energy wants us to be gentle on ourselves and each other and desperately wants you to know that balance is key for good physical and emotional heath. Reining in our intuition by pushing ourselves or judging our worth based on your view of another is something we need to leave behind now in order to evolve into the coming years. Horse energy senses you are strong but longs to know how soft you can be, how kind, how much love are you willing to receive and share.
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