//Understanding Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety


Anxiety is one of the most common reasons people seek help. Anxiety is defined as nervousness and an inability to relax. Some level of anxiety is normal in human beings; however, excessive anxiety can interfere with relationships, sleeping and eating patterns, work and school, and all areas of life. Anxiety is often associated with depression. Anxiety can take several forms, including phobias, obsessive-compulsions, and panic attacks.  Anxiety can also be a symptom of post traumatic stress.

Anxiety and the Body

People with anxiety may experience physical symptoms including:

  • psychomotor agitation
  • pacing
  • shaking
  • trembling
  • quivering
  • sweaty palms
  • racing heartbeat
  • insomnia
  • tension
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • difficulty breathing
  • racing thoughts
  • excessive fearful thoughts

If any of this sounds familiar, please come talk to me. We can work to lessen and even eliminate this from your life.

Understanding Anxiety

Thousands of years ago, when our ancestors had a tingling sensation and heightened awareness that occurred when they were about to be mauled by a mammoth, this feeling was potentially be lifesaving. Having your nervous system on high alert or as it is sometimes known “fight, flight or freeze” can provide many added benefits, if you are in a perilous situation. Your senses are heightened, adrenaline flows through your system, you become stronger, more alert, faster, all things which can help you to escape physical harm.

In modern society, we are likely better served being worried about how many Facebook LIKES we have as opposed to being some larger animal’s next meal. However, there are still remnants of our more primitive brain which exist today. Most of these are close to the brain stem and deal with our more base emotions, such as anger and anxiety. This is not to say that being worried about something does not still serve a purpose, it does. We can channel that energy to meet deadlines, improve our performance, and perform well in times of stress.  In the way that most people’s brain works, after the time of heightened stress or imminent danger has passed, the brain returns to its normal state. However, if you suffer from anxiety, this is not always the case. The brain can continue to send out the signal that you are in danger, causing you to be constantly on edge.

So, what causes this misfire in the brain? Why do some people feel as though they are constantly anxious about something, no matter how inconsequential it might seem? The culprit is a tiny almond-shaped area in the brain known as the amygdala. The amygdala is responsible for sending out an “alert” to the rest of your brain (and ultimately your entire body) that you are in danger. Recent neurological research has suggested that some people inherently have an over-active amygdala, almost like a twitchy trigger finger, that fires at inappropriate times.

Another factor is what people themselves interpret as being a potentially dangerous situation, based on their personality. If you are an introverted person who prefers to spend time by themselves or with one or two close friends, the idea of a cocktail party might seem like the end of the world. Or, if you are afraid of spiders, seeing a harmless small spider might feel as though it is a threat to your well-being.

The good news for people who suffer from anxiety is that there are several options to help alleviate your symptoms. Therapy has been shown to be very effective in helping to manage anxiety. The act of processing your anxieties and becoming more conscious of them can help to override your amygdala. Medication, when warranted, can also help.

If you have any questions about anxiety, or know someone who is suffering from it, please seek help from a therapist.  Don’t suffer needlessly! Unless you are being pursued by a wooly mammoth, in which case, feel free to be nervous. Otherwise, take the first steps towards living a more comfortable and relaxed life.

Anxiety for Dummies
A guide with helpful tips on reducing anxiety

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By |2019-10-25T16:40:53+00:00October 25th, 2019|Anxiety|Comments Off on Understanding Anxiety

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